Solving Sugar Diabetes & Other Sugar-Related Diseases: God Reveals
According to the Lord, one of the rules of life we keep breaking as world is called, the ‘The Rule of Balance.’
This Law or Rule of Balance, is also known as ‘The Rule of Wisdom.’’
We keep breaking this rule of wisdom as a human world and that has been the root cause of our world’s current economic problems-as I was told.
However, though, there are too sides to this rule, there is only one I can explain to you right now.
The first rule of the Law of Balance states that;
Anything that is balanced is Perfect, and anything that is not balanced is not Perfect.
Now, according to the Rule of God, the things which are in Perfect Balance are in MODERATION. Thus, they are not done TOO MUCH or TOO LITTLE, neither are they TOO HIGH or TOO LOW.
In other words, they fall within the Moderate level or Middle ranges on the platform, or on the scale.
Hence, they are NOT DONE IN EXTREME measures or levels. So then, they’ll not be at extreme levels, or parameters or ranges.
On the other hand, the things that are Imperfectly Balanced are done BEYOND MODERATION levels.
In other words, they are done ‘TOO MUCH OR TOO LITTLE or TOO HIGH and TOO LOW.
Hence, they are extreme and done beyond Moderation levels, or by their parameters or middle ranges.
According to the Lord, as it stands, this is what the world is doing, and as a result, we have been put beyond balance, causing us to fall and making us destroy the world gradually, in each sector of our lives.
Now, this is where the danger is, and it is the reason why there is continuing growth of social and economic issues inducing too much suffering among the whole human race.
Hence, the continuous breaking of the Law, which is also referred to as the Law, or Knowledge of Balance has been the major reason for the world’s problems till today, be it educational, social, management, political, health, relationship, transportation or financial problems; name them.
According to Him, concerning what He meant by saying that man is imperfect in most of his ways, He meant that most of the time man loves to do things out of the reach of balance, or out of the reach of moderation levels, which is beyond that Perfection Level as far as this Law or Knowledge of Balance is of concern.
Yet, everything beyond the Rule of Perfect Balance is surely never going to make us perfect and will surely induce problems.
Now, how do we know this? For instance, having too much salt or sugars in your body will be of a detriment to you. On the other hand, doctors say that when there are too little salt or too little sugars inside your body, it is equally not good. Therefore, to have all of them in moderation levels, will best for you.
While the Lord spoke out these things, I was amazed to hear the words of wisdom that were coming out of His mouth.
So, in this case, when it comes to our health issues, let us digest to see what happens when things are done imperfectly or two high/much or too little/low by the world, in that sector.
Now note: in each of the problems, God had also given suggested solutions to resolve them: so, make sure you find them, and to follow them for the sake of your own perfect security, in the dangerous times we live in.
The Effects of breaking the Law of Balance or to go beyond Moderation levels
Too Much Intake or Too Less Sugar Intake
Too much use of sugar or too less use of sugar in our foods, are not good for our human bodies. Every human being by now knows that too well. For instance, we know much sugar or excess sugar in our body is what causes Diabetes. And Diabetes will cause the decapitation of parts the human body, and it can also lead to death. Death leads to separation of family members.
Most of the time, most people who may survive this problem for even while, when trying to them, spend so much money. Huge budgets from their accounts go into this kind of problem solving, draining them.
This brings a very high cost of living to both the sufferer and the family that the sufferer belongs to. Yet it, means, all these monies, which could have been spent on something productive, are being used continually for the treatment of this type of disease, for the rest of the life of the person. That means, diabetes will drastically reduce the lifespan of a human being.
All these problems come about because the sufferers, allowed too much sugar intake in their bodies, and it was not supposed to be the issue.
Moreover, we know how Diabetic treatment becomes extremely stressful, when trying to solve or manage the condition, since according to doctors, it cannot be cured, except managed.
Nevertheless we like these too much sugary stuffs.
We like to produce and manufacture them on a daily basis; these include fizzy drinks, sweeteners, the Icing on cakes, the candies, the hot chocolates and sweetened canned foods.
Of course, we have been consuming them on a daily basis, and so doing, introduced so much sugar into our systems. These too much sugars in our lives, goes beyond moderation level, and leads to what has popularly been known as Diabetes!
What about too low sugars?
On the contrary, when we are with the habit, of us consuming too little sugars, it would result into too little Glucose or sugars in his bodies. This, on the other hand, will of course lead to a serious medical condition called Hypoglyemia, as identified by doctors.
When one is faced with Hypoglyemia, the symptoms realized in a sufferer includes frequent tiredness, general body weakness most of the time, light headaches, confusion and excessive hunger, blackouts and death, as a result of excessive loss of energy, since importantly the body needs a sizable amount of energy, given by glucose (or sugars) to perform and function perfectly, with a progressive step.
With low sugar or glucose level, which will lead to low energy-level, you are loose like loose at the ends, like a puppet. This looseness, will result into general body weakness, and at a point you may fall down and die or have an instant black out!
Moreover, the problems which are well associated to Hypoglyemia, further lead to stress-stress is a killer!
Stress alone is known to have about 250 sicknesses or diseases related to it, and stress has been the ‘silent killer’ of so many people, as shown by medical reports.
Of course, we that some of the serious known stress related problems include Heart disease. Asthma, Obesity, Headaches, Depression, further Confusion and Anxiety, Gastrointestinal problems, Alzheimer’s disease, and more.
While one may not die instantly out of stress, two most common problems of stress are that, stress reduces a man’s productivity drastically due to an increased level of confusion and a psychological feeling of unhappiness and induce restlessness.
The restlessness and a psychological feeling of unhappiness will further lead to more stress, to slow down the disease hypoglyemia or Diabetes, which both come as a result of going beyond the extremes-Too much or too Little.
The above, of course, means that, you are not getting your body in a stable condition through too much or too little use of something; for the body will react against anything too much or too little for it.
Then like a chain reaction, the reduction in productivity level and restlessness are also what causes us not to achieve our goals.
To Solve This?
According to the God’s wisdom, if you want to avoid either Diabetes or Hypoglyemia, being the two known diseases at the extreme ends, then stay in the center zone, that is, the ‘ Not too much or Not too little,’’ moderation zone.
He added that, instead of using sugars, despite this sugars may be even be brown sugars, yet, in terms of a quality should go in for honey, instead. Yes, use a controlled or balanced amount honey in your meals instead.
The benefits of honey are innumerable indeed. A pure Honey is a better medicinal property to your body and supports your body temperature, which is usually warm.
Besides, Honey is known to contain flavonoids, antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of some heart diseases and cancers, saving your energy level and your life in total.
It is important that parents give honey to their children. However, instead of parents giving sugars to their babies or children, they should rather give them pure honey.
White or refined sugars are dangerous to our health! These have been Too Refined to take out essential nutrients which are vital to the body, thus going beyond the moderate parameters.
Similarly, honey is very great for aged persons, as well as the youth and children. We know that aged persons grow weak faster, but honey will be able to save them. So they are actually supposed to be taking them. For children, apart from maintaining their health or energy levels both well balanced and perfectly, it is not going to destroy their teeth.
Taking honey, but in the right proportionate measure, will strongly support our lives, so that we all can grow old and with vitality.
Thank You.
Peace & Love To You.
In the post above, the Lord recommended some products as part of the solutions to solve the current problem. For instance,
- Pure Organic Honey.
We have therefore outsourced some these recommended products from some best brands through our Affiliate Partnership Programs, so we can start doing the right things right away.
For the products recommended by the Lord’s counsel in this post, please click the link below to our SHOP, to buy them now.
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