The Youth & Families Must Engage In Agriculture: God Advices
(Overcoming Price Inflation, High Unemployment Cases & Food Insecurity)
The Lord said to me that, one of the reasons why the current economy has began to go down is because the youth have refused to engage in agriculture.
Children below a certain age (say 15) will not be able to engage in agricultural practices (though they can start learning), and adults above a certain age will not be able to engage in this practice.
So, rightly, in-between those ages are the people called the youth, who are the able-bodied and capable in engaging into practice.
Now, this means that by that measurement when we have an economy where the youth are unwilling to get into agriculture this is seriously going be an economic famine among the people and among even the youth.
That means the only way there can be bumper harvest in a country is when the youth (most of the youth of course), will be willing to engage into agricultural practices in order to improve the economy.
The only reason why there are ‘economic problems’ of fuel prices, high tariffs, very high product prices, increment in road and transport fares is when majorly there are great increment in food prices.
Therefore, food and other raw materials (resources) control prices.
Yet, we are also aware that food and raw materials all come from Agric farms. Thus, when the youth who are seen to b the able-bodied, refuse to go into or engage in agricultural practices, then the countries will be in tight financial and economic stances.
More so, in the event where the government would have to go to another country (economy) for both food and raw materials to feed her people and industries, it will eventually lead to an increment in foreign exchange rates, bringing obviously, unfavourable burdens onto the country.
In the beginning, God engaged in agriculture when he made the gardens and called forth the plants and the animals. He also told Adam to till the ground; thus, as a young man, he was called to till the ground and to follow His steps.
Now, that was when the Lord asked me of the question:
‘‘Who told you agriculture is only for the un-educated ones?’’
Farming is the driving force of the nations.
Without farming, hunger will surely eat up the walls of the nation.
Hunger will certainly strike everywhere.
Now, according the Lord, If the youth will enter into the agricultural sector to develop that sector, He will get involved to bless them, because it is actually one of the things He’s called us to do in life. This as well means that, we have to do something about our educational systems if it is not helping our economies have yield. As far as God is concerned, every home (everybody) must actually in agriculture, so that the entire economy will have a good future. I can realize that it will lead to economic joy, for every family to engage in this business.
White colour jobs or the kind of jobs popularly referred to as service or office jobs are well known not to solve the current hard economic problems. They cannot really resolve the unemployment cases, as well as issues of food crisis in the markets.
So indeed, they cannot provide jobs for everyone. Yet, it is sad, that though there are deficits of these white colour jobs these are the areas where many of the youth want to go into or have polarized themselves to do in their lives which is also as a result of the courses they study in school. Yet, who will create these jobs for all these up-and-coming ones?
Furthermore, if there are no raw materials or farming produces, where will the raw materials come from for all these service jobs to render their important services over, since we can tell, that everything that is used by both these industrial and service companies, come from the farm-yes, through nothing but only through agricultural practices.
Therefore, we have no doubt that industrialization and all service companies cannot function without agricultural practices.
So it rightly means that, when few people are engaging in this sector it will affect the economy of the country and will affect the industrial and service businesses as well, which eventually, will reduce the total GDP of the country. This is what we are seeing now.
No matter what we may think, agriculture stands over all of them. Thus, it is the foundation for growth for an undeveloped economy, for both crawling and developed countries, though today, it may stand as something that may not be lucrative or attractive to most of us in the markets. In simple terms, we all (the world) cannot do without agriculture.
Yet, there is something we should know that when talking about youth finding themselves within the quarters of agriculture, we do not mean everyone should start big. It can be really small.
Start small, beginning with those that are low or less capital intensive such as domestic fowl rearing, goat, yam production and other cash crops like tomatoes, pepper, cassava, corn or maize and others. You can start them from your home.
Fowl rearing or a poultry farm alone can produce for you 3 kinds of economic beneficial products which include meat, eggs and manure-and they all can be sold for money. These fowls will also serve protein for your house. Yes, three types of economic products.
So here, we are not talking about going for a big acre of land to start this business. Start small and as you go on you will increase your yield over time.
In my country, small brawlers for starting your farm cost lower than 3 dollars.
So, imagine you having about 30 dollars in your account, it can be possible to start a poultry farm with 30 birds. (Well, I believe all students today have about 30$ or perhaps even more in their accounts). If you have doubts, I can show you where you can get them. Just pick up my contacts.
Thus, we don’t have to do it large from the beginning.
It is just about having the right mindset and fully willing to go into these practices. Consider that, you are going into something lucrative. It is important for the economy to concentrate on this practice called agriculture and for most of the youth to get involved so that the whole economy will regain its strength back again.
Meanwhile, we shouldn’t forget-even if services and industrial business should yield better in all our various countries so we all can be paid well, this is purposely going to depend on agricultural improvements. Meanwhile, such levels of productivity will be seen if the youth who have the energies will like to mine the goods.
Eventually, when most of the youth make up their minds to march themselves into lucrative sector, it should be government’s full concern to assist all of them so the weak economies can stand up by its feet.
Personally, you can as well start engaging in this lucrative industry even if currently it is not your government’s major concern look into these important matters.
Agriculture is indeed a lucrative business for you and I, and for the economy as a whole. Perhaps, you don’t realize, or just don’t know you can start it small.
Thank you.
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