Thursday, March 20, 2025

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Overcoming the Leadership & Political Issues Of The World: God Reveals (Part One)


Lots of Love:

(The Effects of breaking the Law of Balance or to go beyond Moderation levels)


The Introductory Message:
God has noticed our suffering in this world and knows about the present economic problems and will like to get us out of it. After 10 years of divine encounters, the Lord began to show me the causes and reasons for the world’s every day growing problems, and then ways in which we can solve them as a world, as nations, and first, as individuals, so that we can get our lives back in the right track.

Hence, this post is among a series of life-saving posts which I was led to write, in solving the world’s pending problem based upon God’s leading or directives. This may not be the beginning of the lists of posts, but you can as well read it, and then search for the others written in the series by me on this platform, to restructure and redesign more areas of your life.

Please, I recommend that you read the 2nd introductory message on which this post hangs, or else you will not understand a thing that is written here.


The 2nd Introductory Message on which this posts hangs:
According to the Lord, one of the rules of life we keep breaking as world is called, the ‘The Rule of Balance.’

This Law or Rule of Balance, is also known as ‘The Rule of Wisdom.’’

We keep breaking this rule of wisdom as a human world and that has been the root cause of our world’s current economic problems-as I was told.

However, though, there are two sides to this rule, there is only one I can explain to you right now.

The first rule of the Law of Balance states that;
Anything that is balanced is Perfect, and anything that is not balanced is not Perfect.

Now, according to the Rule of God, the things which are in Perfect Balance are in MODERATION. Thus, they are not done TOO MUCH or TOO LITTLE, neither are they TOO HIGH or TOO LOW.

In other words, they fall within the Moderate level or Middle ranges on the platform, or on the scale.

Hence, they are NOT DONE IN EXTREME measures or levels. So then, they’ll not be at extreme levels, or parameters or ranges.

On the other hand, the things that are Imperfectly Balanced are done BEYOND MODERATION levels.

In other words, they are done ‘TOO MUCH OR TOO LITTLE or TOO HIGH and TOO LOW.

Hence, they are extreme and done beyond Moderation levels, or by their parameters or middle ranges.

According to the Lord, as it stands, this is what the world is doing, and as a result, we have been put beyond balance, causing us to fall and making us destroy the world gradually, in each sector of our lives.

Now, this is where the danger is, and it is the reason why there is continuing growth of social and economic issues inducing too much suffering among the whole human race.

Hence, the continuous breaking of the Law, which is also referred to as the Law, or Knowledge of Balance has been the major reason for the world’s problems till today, be it educational, social, management, political, health, relationship, transportation or financial problems; name them.

According to Him, concerning what He meant by saying that man is imperfect in most of his ways, He meant that most of the time man loves to do things out of the reach of balance, or out of the reach of moderation levels, which is beyond that Perfection Level as far as this Law or Knowledge of Balance is of concern.

Yet, everything beyond the Rule of Perfect Balance is surely never going to make us perfect and will surely induce problems.

Now, how do we know this? For instance, having too much salt or sugars in your body will be of a detriment to you. On the other hand, doctors say that when there are too little salt or too little sugars inside your body, it is equally not good. Therefore, to have all of them in moderation levels, it will best for you.

While the Lord spoke out these things, I was amazed to hear the words of wisdom that were coming out of His mouth.

So, in this case, when it comes to our leadership or political sector of this world, let us digest to see what happens when things are done imperfectly or two high/much or too little/low.

Now note: in each of the problems, God had also given suggested solutions to resolve them: so, make sure you find them, and to follow them for the sake of your own perfect security, in the dangerous times we live in.


The Use of Too Strict Constitutional Laws or Too lenient Constitutional Laws For Political Rulership


(A) Problems That Arise From Using Too Strict Constitutional Laws or Too May Laws For Political Rule:


The Causes of Fear and Insecurity, At Some Points:

Though using of Law is good as a control and management system in a given economy, the use of too many laws are also not good. Laws often come with strict judgment, for punishing those who’ll break it. As a result, a Law or constitution of a nation can cause a lot of free lives to walk in fear. Fear is one Negative Energy which can disrupt the entire economy of a nation.

Fear will not cause them to live in freedom and that in actual fact, will lead to a curtailing of rights and privileges of the people. Fear, a negative energy leads to insecurity and human rights abuse. It looks like the subject cannot explain, or talk when having to obey every rule. This should not be, because there is no human who doesn’t have a level of weakness.

We all, by nature have a few bad problems which wasn’t from us but from nature.

Thus, to a little extent you should be excused and pardoned. It is not everything we are to be judged for. There must be more mercy than judgment, so that good will remain, or prevail.

Moreover, fear and insecurity of cause does not encourage a good relationship between the people and their leaders.

Now, understand that, when somebody fears you, he or she may not feel attracted to you, nor will get closer to you. In fact, fear brings a cold, or a stern relationship between the persons and their leaders. In the end, it does not encourage a sense of belonging. So then, the people do not see that they belong to one Family called a Nation.

His heart, or the people’s heart may not be able to stand the presence of their leaders.

Thus, fear, will not cause the people be able to ‘voice out’ their primary concerns or problems to you-yes, their deep problems which boils down in their hearts.

However, if the people cannot deeply voice out their concerns or needs to you as a result of how stern you’re, then you’re not going to get there (or to be the person of success) as a leader, because you do not understand their needs, and do not at the end, know how to meet up with their goals, needs and desires, since of a truth, your leadership as the political figure, is important based upon the people’s goals or their primary needs.

Hence, if you don’t understand their problems due to your stern relationships with these subjects (or people), then they can’t purely submit to you nor can you attack their needs in that respect, in the event of making you successful at the end.

Therefore, a country ruling, is like the way we live in a family where the children are not afraid to live with their fathers.

In that case Strict Application of Laws, cannot make leaders rule well, no matter how they think they’re successful.

So, what you’re doing will be all wrong.

In the end, what will be the sign of development?

People may not be able to pour out all their grievances or feelings to you, because they may think, you think they’re weak. So that fear may cause them to get away or will distant themselves from you.

Well, understand that, that’s how we humans are by nature; and by nature we’re weak even though we may claim we’re strong. Notice that, that was exactly what God also said and so naturally shows as a lot of His mercies, before strict judgment.

No matter what, understand that most people are still learning, and we leaders cannot assume they know everything right from wrong. (Indeed, it’ll shock you that people don’t know as they claim they know.) Besides, even if we know it, we must still know that it takes a lot of years for people to grow or for the average man to really move or learn forward. That is why we must show a lot of mercy, as leaders or politicians.

In  short, a nation cannot grow out in  fear.



Human Rights Infringements:

At the end of this, when fear grips the people, it infringes on their human rights; their rights of movement, speech, education, life, privacy and privileges they enjoy which nature had given them.

Therefore, the people cannot ‘come’ out of their shells should the laws be too strict, but will become coiled, as dumped or depressed people, in their shells by fear. Thus, ‘the best of them’ which can only be done through freedom, can only come, when there’s no such greater fear.



Eventually, underdevelopment:

At the end, this fear and insecurity, due to a people who’re not able to ‘fully explore’ themselves, could lead to their underdevelopment and generally to the economies’ underdevelopment.

Yes, it’ll lead to underdevelopment or poor growth since the people of the country will be afraid to become innovative, create or invent something which might help for the entire development of the country. At the end, the people will abandon the work for you.

So, indeed, once they’re afraid to relate with you, they’ll find it difficult to support you. Meanwhile, no government can work on the economy of the country alone, if the people are feeling so afraid of them, and are feeling so reluctant. We are free moral agents, and a level of space should be given to us to freely act out our uniqueness.

So, when people are not able to do a lot, because of strict constitutional laws it will end up hindering their progress and development.

We’ve seen this in many lands of the world where strict political rules have not invited people to ‘really express themselves’ or feel of being ‘kept’ in cages. The slightest thing leads up to break up of a law, which requires a man or woman to be punished. Indeed, the human life should not be lived like that or be treated such animalistic way. Even God the Lord, is not like that.

Yes, it further steals an amount of joy or happiness from a person’s soul, thus further killing him or her down on the inside.

In the end, that lack of joy, apart from insecurity, affects the person’s psychological and emotional growth, or physical development.

He or she would be feeling the ‘suppressive pain,’ but cannot express this out. Therefore, it’ll bring lack of joy in the communities of the people.

Therefore, these too strict laws affect social behaviour, to finally bring down human underdevelopment. Hence, when people fear too much or do live in fear, they’ll not wilfully participate in the development of the entire economy or country.

Hence, since they’re not given the chance or the right to ‘freely express themselves,’ they’ll intend, abandon the works upon the leaders.

However, would you like to do all the work of the country all by yourself?

Thus, in all, fear and ‘the lack of expression’ do not make people innovative (creative) to be able to create something out of their giftings, to support the nations. In short, there will be a retarded economy, if people cannot ‘fully express’ themselves, to contribute their quota to the Big Chunk Work of their nations.

Therefore, this brings about low productivity from the people, because they’re in such fear, such that their purposes as humans are not fully harnessed or realized. This will then lead to a form of slavery. Thus, that fear can retard both human and economic development.


 The Tendency of Forgetfulness:

Secondly, when the laws are equally too many, hence exceeding the moderation range or level, it can cause people not to remember. It’s important to note that it’s not so easy for the people to remember the laws of our lands, if the laws are too many. In that case, it’ll not also be beneficial to the people.


The Authoritative Rule:

Moreover, Too Strict Laws can also mean that too much power or authority has also been given to those at the top. Rather, we’re of knowledge that, the primary purpose of a leader, is to sacrifice, and lay down his life for his people, and not to lay down the lives of the people as sheep to the slaughter. As a result of that, his primary purpose is not to laud it over humans who’re just as him, nor to corrupt himself with so much power over people who have weaknesses as much as him, who could fall, if tempted.

So, power is the thing.

That means, power is given to servants who’re ready for service, as the best way to lead even as our Lord said, is an act of laying down your life, as just He highly displayed, which is a sacrifice or a service to weak humanity. Thus, great service, is enriched through love-the genuine love to see men and society rise, even sometimes, beyond yourself. Per the Rule of Wisdom, your acquisition of power is not for raising your voice, to instilling of fear, for oppressing weaklings, or simply for authoritative rule-which we do that through so many laws, or through too strict laws.

We must learn to lay down our interests for that of others.

In fact, these are some forms of leadership we’ve experienced many years ago in history, which are shockingly experienced in many parts of our world today, igniting freedom of expression to be curtailed, in a situation where the leaders don’t understand the undeniable living and practical weaknesses of the people.

Thus, at the end, though the law was to provide genuine safety or security for the people, it had begun to provide insecurities in the lives of the people, seeing that it had become too strict, or perhaps, too many to hinder any reasonable or normal movement, the Creator had given to any man.


(B) The Problems of A ‘‘Too Few Laws and Too Lenient Laws’’

Interestingly, too little Use of Laws also enables people to become lawless. In fact, the people may end up becoming too free, and will constantly fool around. This means that, this could cause both the leaders and their laws not being respected, in the end.

Well, what if that was why some leaders thought of making the constitution or the laws too strict, after they encountered some of these issues, over a long period of time? In all, that is also not right, as far as God’s Laws of Balance, which is based upon His wisdom, are of concern.

Yes, these people could also break the laws because these laws are too less strict, and their judgments are, too lenient.

So, when the laws are too lenient or too few, the people can see loop holes in the laws of the state or of the economy, as not covering some important parts of the industry, or not covering some type of behaviours, actions or some practices. In the event, they may like to take advantage of such loop holes.

Now, this will then lead to

  • Some circumstances where the lawless citizens end up taking advantage of a weak law, and end up attacking leaders and people.


  • Yes, this may equally lead to an increase in moral decadence, according to the Lord. That in itself means, there’ll not be a proper direction for the people.
  • When the laws are equally too weak some may go rampantly on demonstrations, on riots, destroying state property and lives, because they do not have any fear or respect for people nor for the leadership of the country.

Yes, it’s true that, even children and youth can take that advantage of the loopholes or the weaknesses, and walk in disrespectfulness towards the leaders of the country, or in power.

In the event, because the children or the youth may not be as educated as their elders on the land they may walk in some behaviours, which might also affect others health, and their security and through that ignorance, affect their own health and security at the end.

Therefore, these too few laws, as well as weak laws may cause grave insecurity problems within the whole borders of the country. (Such a menace will also affect the good relationship between the people, and even between themselves, and also, the healthy relationship between the people and their leaders, thus, will eventually result in the leadership tightening up the laws-yes, even sometimes, beyond what humans can bear.

Therefore, few, or too lenient statutory laws, according to God’s pattern, could also or equally affect in no doubt the progress of the land or state, being possibly what we’re also facing, in many faces in our world now.

  • In addition, not just the people, but equally, some leaders or some law enforcement agencies, state officials, rulers and public servants may take advantage of the loopholes and the weaknesses, and then will equally indulge in some similar malpractices, which could affect the developments of the state.

So then, it’s not only the young ones and the youth could take advantage of state or country, but as well even their fathers or their leaders, in their positions, could take advantage of the ‘too few laws’ or the ‘too lenient judgments or laws.’

In all, both will contribute in destroying the peacefulness of the state, which is what we see in many places today.

Of course, these are some of the practices that has equally led to some corrupt practices in some countries, and in some cases, caused some members of the state to proudly engage in embezzlement of funds, unlawful business practices, bullying, defamatory practices, a people-oppression, criminal activities, and the like.

In all, all the leaders of the state have the potency to take advantage of the state, or the economy, as a result of too few laws, too weak laws, or too lenient judgments.

This sort of general ‘sin,’ will be a reproach to that nation.’

What will be next?

It suggests that, any nation that should give up on moral training or upbringing from the domestic levels will also end up destroying that nation.

So, to enable perfect behaviour and instil discipline, moral education must start from the domestic levels to begin with; it’s better to start with this early in order to minimize problems of society in the future; this is because, it is naturally hard to correct people when they grow up with a certain kind of behaviour unchecked very early in their lives.

If this does not happen, moral decadence or sins will overburden the country, especially on the security services or on the Law Enforcement Agencies. There will certainly be a high rate of deviant behaviour and criminal offences, becoming a normal practice in that uncultured society of bad upbringing, from the early stages.

Too much freedom through ‘weak’ or through ‘very few’ laws, will also open the way for individuals and businesses to indulge in the production and promotion of unlawful or evil inventions, which could become a threat to every one of the beautiful state, and thus, will shift everyone out of order.

Furthermore, too few laws, also suggest that, there may not be some laws covering some aspects of our behaviours, in the state.

Leadership, according to Creator, is not about wearing ‘a three-piece suit’ but it’s about doing things according to the Law of Balance, which is how God also leads men or equally does it. (However, we don’t mean to say you shouldn’t dress well.)



You Must Also Provide Aside All This:

Now, let’s not forget, that one of the reasons why a law or leader may become less influential or weak over the people, is a situation when the person in leadership cannot provide, apart from these laws being set beyond moderation levels.

Let me explain:

Normally, when children cannot have their basic square meals a day, at a point they tend to complain and become wayward at home. Same with the people of the community.

Simply, if we as the world leaders cannot provide for them, our control over their lives will be shortly broken. Eventually, this will lead the age into a time where criminal or social vices will be on the rise, where-ever you go within the nation. Therefore, in as much as God wants us to keep our laws in the ‘moderation level,’ and backed by schooling, we must also provide. This is because, constant experience of necessities and suffering, at a venture, could bring changes on the mind, disrupting responsible character-whether previously influenced by knowledge or law.

It doesn’t really matter.

They’ll start rebelling, though I don’t mean I’m condoning such habits.

I’m just explaining what has happened to the world today, and ways to solve them, if we reverse the wheel.

Gentlemen and ladies, once you cannot provide material sustenance for the people, your laws or words become weak at a point, which is what most countries, especially in Africa, are enduring, even with a high respect for religious norms, as well as a strong culture.

So then, if our leaders are corrupt and wouldn’t use the country’s monies (taxes) or resources to provide immensely for their people, but for fending themselves, their respect and laws are weakened-because respect is earned.

In the event must expect to see some form of ‘‘darkness,’’ overshadowing the lovely and patient character of the people, and in the event will eventually tarnish and destroy the whole country, the whole world or society of people.

In the end, the security of the same corrupt leaders may also be jeopardized in the process, by the same impudence, since the people hate their irresponsible character or deeds. To be honest, since moral decadence is highly seen, in almost all parts of the world, this means that it’s not only Africa.

A leader’s transparency is very important; He must act responsibly and speak the truth.

I do not mean the overall leader, but all civil and religious leaders in position.

(God looks at such behaviours critically, though most people, including leaders, do not think so.)


The Solutions According To God:

First and foremost, according to the Lord, the perfect type of governance will be a situation, when mostly the strength of the laws, the constitutions and judgments, are made moderate; but they should then be made tough once a while, depending upon certain extreme behaviours, or circumstances. So then importantly, a judgment should not naturally be too strict or too lenient, for the sakes of balance, but only when needed at certain specific times.

Secondly, the most important parts of the Laws, should be put into a set of codes, for people to understand and remember quickly or easily, as the Lord had done that through what is called The Golden Rule, or the Ten Commandments, despite several laws.

However, the most important way to handle this, is to convert all the Laws into a set of Knowledge, and these should be taught in schools and homes of the land. It should be part of the basic school curriculum, so the average person may grow by these, right at the back of their minds.

This ensures that, you’re educating your civilians right at the basic levels, a way to unforgettably dissociate right from wrong; however, not by a strong tone of a law, but by giving them basic understanding of all their good and bad actions.

This means that you’re educating the people, to know the differences between right from wrong giving them reasons why they should not do this nor have to do that; however, this kind of practice comes not with a harsh voice, but most of those times, with a suggestive or a lecturing voice.

Indeed, when most people learn or should be naturally educated on why most behaviours are bad for themselves, or not good for them, they will find a great importance or meaning in them and out of a natural tendency of not wanting problems for themselves do what you have taught them to avoid, or to do. (In this way, the same law which could have been harsh, would have been turned down into knowledge).

In other words, it should mean that, without you being there or not they will avoid such problems because they had learnt with clear-cut, great and important reasons, why what they’re going to do is going to be good for them or not, or is going to be bad for them or not, in that very instance.

In the process, the person shall speak knowledge and as well wisdom and, shall give good enough counsel to all others around him, including his family. Secondly, such a learned statesman will do things out of confidence, because he or she knows the consequences of his or her actions or inactions, at any point of time-whether seen or not seen-checked or not checked.

In such a way, the person is appearing matured, and is able to make good choices out of his or her own will, without being enforced.

After all, at such a time of a man’s age, you don’t have to force them to do the right thing, as though they’re children. After committing a crime, they need to self-judge themselves and self-repent.

Only when they feel to be responsible or disciplined, will the state judge them-to put them in check.

This is the better way to lead adults. In that very way, you’re empowering the nation, since knowledge is much more powerful and positive, than judgments and laws.

Therefore, this road of Knowledge will be the road to human civilization, tolerance, and the respect for human rights.

In other words, this form of knowledge-when the basic or primary laws are converted into knowledge, with practical and substantial reasons, takes away fear, insecurity, reduces error, encourages human growth, productivity, excellence in performance, which shall fully lead to individual civilization in the citizenry level, and finally to national and international civilizations, as a whole.

However, even though this is how some of the worlds are being directed today, it means, above knowledge, people are still willing to practice their evils; they’ve shifted out of balance.

What it means is that, they need to be brought back now. Now, we shall see why the world has shifted out of balance even through the use of education or in an information age.



Reasons Why Issues Are Still Arising In The World Even Though The Way Of Knowledge Have Been Used To Correct Society


Now, let us look at some of the reasons why the world, having adopted Education or Knowledge, to instil civil or responsible character, are still failing:


  1. First and foremost, some countries, with the introduction of civil or educational systems to correct and to refine habits, ended up lessening the strictness of their laws in some areas, far below what must have been required.

They thought their people were developed already; so, in their ignorance, they were caught with a surprise.

Yes, they gave too much rights and privileges to the people, lowering the bar beyond the normal.

What they did not know is that, the bars should not have been lowered, and the immature people took the opportunity to exploit and to misbehave in all of society; that was when the world started seeing an up-rise of social vices among the ‘educated’ youth, and surprisingly, among the ‘educated adults,’ in civil positions, a case which still hangs around us until now.

Where they had gone to be corrected, there they failed them: In the end, some parents were stopped by the same government from correcting their children, as though ever since life had erupted, there’s any love that was greater than that of a mother or a father. Wanting to be drunk with so much power, thus, power acquisition beyond moderation levels, they shifted society out of balance. The world is full of leadership and political hypocrisies, just because they did not understand what this Law of Moderation is, with respect to leadership, because research institutions around the world have not yet found it; but today, we do.

What more? We know student discipline were stopped in some institutions. In some others, morality is not even taught any more. The school system is more focused on high grades and marks, regardless of however you acquire them, the type of school you go, and what you’ll become in future, just to make that thing called, money.

What then?

You’ll only have a generation who know so much about their surroundings, but their characters are worse, or not refined from on-start.

If that is the case, what has then been corrected after transitioning from the age where laws where dominantly used, as a corrective measure to unacceptable human behaviour?

Imagine-even some governments removed some Holy Books from the school system, through whom I can bet, that the world came to know about right and wrong, and we loved how we were tamed to act right towards all leaders and everybody around. There is no correction going on, but the surprising rise of moral decadence. What kind of education and correction have we thus brought, if it seems that society was seen more peaceful yesterday, than today?

Why won’t the basic educational institutions continue to experience shocking mass school shootings of peers and their teachers, the rise of school gangs, occults groups and sects, as well as bullies, and so much violence, at schools?

Did I not say, if not corrected, in the end, our respected leader’s lives, will be jeopardized by the same people they were trying to ‘favour’ by lowering the bar, because they thought they were ‘okay’? Over the years and in recent times, we’ve seen world leaders (politicians) assassinated, insulted, shamed, seriously attacked and pelted with stones, shoes, with any weapon they can find.

It is a sign that society has gone out of balance, because adults as expected in every normal society, are not supposed to be insulted and disrespected like that, especially, by those they’re leading. It’s sad that sometimes, some of these brutal attacks happen to our respected leaders right on social media, and in open places, during press releases or political campaigns, with no by their educated subjects. There is high rate of lawlessness and disrespectfulness of authority, at every corner; and we claim the world is going on well, and really safe now?

There is no fear of leadership anymore, and we need to do something about it, and do not think society will change by chance, if the bar has been lowered beyond acceptable standards, for the sake of whatever intelligent or modern reason.

It won’t change, as long as we will not see what is going wrong.

I want to us to know that the human nature, to whatever level of development it has achieved, still has high levels of behavioural or psychological weaknesses within its make-up, so that even around this height, can still resort to internal emotional or temperamental weaknesses and evils, if not kept within the socially acceptable parameters. It doesn’t matter your educational background.

So then, all who demand too much or raise themselves too high than necessary should be humbled, and all who are too low are to be raised to their feet, for our societies to move on. This is the Rule of Balance. You do not lower the bar. Beyond this moderation level, in either way, there will be self and state destruction, which is what many nations are facing, for ignorantly lowering the bar in some sensitive areas of their economies; in the process, that had affected the whole nation, because all parts of the economy are linked up.


2. The next cause of moral decadence on the upsurge even though we’re using the school system to perfectly correct and refine character, is surprisingly also a leadership or a political problem.

Today, there are leaders who came into power, who due to their selfish wants for votes and acceptance, turned good to be bad and bad to be good, or what is right to be wrong and wrong to be right. Well, what do you expect, when our educational system from the onset is being ‘set’ to produce educated students without any morals, they’ll come out as leaders to misdirect morally-inclined citizens, as though they know anything about leadership. (They are those who did not care about the security of the state, but by law, they know nothing about balance, that too much of everything is detrimental to society, and that, everyone and everything must stay within accepted moderate parameters.)

These particular leaders, did not actually lowered the bar, they actually removed them, and it’s like telling us that-‘Every act of yours is acceptable, and it can be protected by us, as your human privileges or rights.’ Yet, they do not acknowledge that every right and privilege even by natural laws of the intelligent universe, have a well-defined understandable limit.

They were not in to correct the people; they were in to tell you to break the laws of conscience and to destroy yourself. Yet, we said these people are leaders, coming from some of the so-called distinguished schools.

When men hide behind these so-called political amendments, what do you think will be experienced in society?

Some of our leaders, whom we thought were to correct us as elders, were more corrupt and blinded, and had led society astray. Now, this is the stage when moral decadence has become so normal, backed by law, while they say you can’t even question a wrongful act of an untaught heart. Right from home and through the school systems, these new breeds of leaders, stopped the highly expectance of respectable character, for every normal human society. Upon climbing the seat, they deceived the people; the world just become as hell.

In fact, well did God speak of such leaders, in Isaiah 3:12.



O My people, your guides mislead you; they turn you from your paths.


From the beginning, they did not understand that, human hearts are naturally bound to do things in psychologically and socially unacceptable ways, if not corrected from time to time and brought down to the right, or to the acceptable paths.

Rights are there for everybody, but not beyond some limits, lest someone can harm you, and still say it’s still among the parameters.



Good Is Good & Evil Will Be Evil, In Every Age:

The Lord said that, a new dispensation does not change the acceptable parameters. A pure and good knowledge, does not change the acceptable parameters, but it is here to explain it. Here is the reason for a different age or dispensation: otherwise, Jesus would have changed the Law.

You are not to make that which is wrong instantly become right, while that which is right eventually becomes wrong in the name of knowledge acquisition or civilization, and think you’ll lead them into a new path of development.

We’ve never heard of such a thing, when the wrong path begun to lead humanity into the place of civilization or development.

Leaders must understand that, if a practice is wrong, it shall always remain wrong, regardless of the time change. Similarly, if it is considered good, it shall always remain good in the future. Good food will be good today, and will remain good, in the future.

We cannot swap nor change the old landmark in the moment of acquiring knowledge; otherwise, it’ll just be as though condoning evil in the time of Law, when law was the major system for managing behaviour, by the states. So then, what will be the essence of changing the law-method of control then, if society won’t be any better, but will suddenly be misled and thrown into confusion?

So, unlike the law, the path of knowledge is to explain and expose our good, as well as ‘wrongful acts’ should we go outside the parameters in a simpler and tutorial way, just so that it will be easily understood and carried out in practice, by all; and in fact, if well understood, if will make us practice such good deeds with confidence. An information age must not condone the very same evils and abominations which the law management systems were against, or else, nothing will change or be better for the society we live in.

In actual fact, the wheel of civilization will be turning back, if former abominations and unaccepted behaviours are being condoned, even if instituted by leaders, in our new economy.

Well, if that should happen, this can’t be called civilization-because, society won’t be ‘civilized’ from any practice considered as uncivilized from time immemorial, equally advocated by basic natural laws of which the majority of society agrees with.

Today, having used a so-called system called progressive knowledge (which I do not think they understand what it means), to condone some ‘evils,’ making them seem right at this stage of our civilization or knowledge acquisition, to a point that many assumed, that what had been in our former ages of laws might have been full of errors, or perhaps, the cause of our evils, when sadly, their inability to socially and psychologically discipline themselves, much like any other, has been the cause.

So, do they now blame the Law and remove the old landmark which guided us all into the light, and caused humanity to have abundance of progress and life? Yet, a beautiful society can only be achieved through much discipline and hard-work-nothing more; nothing less.

Speaking of natural laws that control our universe, they are bigger than men’s laws, which includes political laws, and we can’t escape from these; With natural consequences meted out on some of these clear-cut abominable mindsets and actions, nature keeps telling us that, there’s a limit we must go in our mindsets and actions, whether we like or not, or whether our leaders or country politicians are currently blind to this constant or unchangeable realities or not.

In short, such powerful cosmic voices are greater than the amendment of imperfect human laws, whether we like it or not.

Hence, this is the reason why most people who threaded these socially unaccepted paths, incurred so much wraths from Karma, a well-known natural law, and they became barren, childless, and were punished with body or skin diseases in the end, some of which are incurable, meanwhile, our leaders did not have the remedy to avert the new problems they came along with. Some citizens even died! Hence, this is why God, even from the control of nature, which intelligently keeps all things within moderation standards or levels, said the GOOD WILL ALWAYS BE GOOD AND BAD WILL ALWAYS BE BAD, no matter the age. Apart from Him who can change it, nobody else.

So, how can leadership or politics rather become the tool to throw us out into this confusion when it should have been those from the grassroots? As for these people, because of their selfish goals or ambitions, and because they may also pretend to know the law, they can force you a leader to break bounds, sometimes, even through blackmails, demanding you to legalize affections they are not willing to control or discipline themselves over, same inordinate affections which everyone is trying to control themselves over, so they’re perfectly safe and balanced.

Let’s become good leaders. As a leader, I don’t think you’d like to be known as a leader through whom a formerly-well-built society was eventually destroyed, just because of some indiscipline sects who fights to change very long healthy landmarks, due to lack of emotional and psychological control.

They’re inordinate because they’re extreme levels of desires, beyond what can be classified as moderate or balanced-by The Rule of Balance. As we saw in the God-given introduction, anything beyond ‘moderation’ is a detriment to society.

Indeed, Rights and Freedoms do have voices-and it’s a voice that says that they don’t promote error, nor where here to compromise on good standards. From today, let us all make ourselves as good leaders to promote good standards and not unlawful ones when it’s your term in office.


There Must Be Checks And Balances From Every Level Of Our Societies

To further add to how everyone will perfectly walk well, the Lord said that, more powers should be given to parents, who must start leading and keeping their children in the right and peaceful borders, to become a norm for everyone in the society. Yes, they are to lead, train, to order and judge them in the borders of perfection, so they know their rights, privileges, and limits, at the infantry stages. When they’re trained in the way they should go, they’re programmed that way, so they hardly depart from it.

When children of the country are not taught from their primary or domestic levels to know their borders within this civilization, they can or may grow with the same wrong understanding of rights, freedoms, and privileges; in the end, they could be misled by deviants when they step out.

When very stubborn kids are not corrected with the rod of correction so they stay within the borders of acceptable parameters, they easily rise in deviancy through ignorance, to shift the borders out of balance, and therefore, begin to bring a hell of troubles to their families, to their peaceful societies, and to the state as whole. That means, training must start from the home by parents, but not from the walls of a mile-stone classroom, or they may cause enough troubles by the time they even get there.

The first form of training and care these kids have, all begins with their parents, but not in the hands of a stranger. Well, how many young students can one teacher control, if she’s surrounded by 30 students, when she’s also having a hard time controlling all her children at home?

The future of the country becomes bright, if these children have early training, mostly in the acceptable borders. If that happens, the security services will not overburden themselves to cause society to be in check, because peace, as well as respect for human rights within the acceptable borders, will definitely prevail.

Equally, power should be given to seniors and elders of the land to keep one another in check, which is to be seen and fully understood as an act of love, so that nobody goes out into the destructive course, after all, nobody is above the law.

Meanwhile, how will an elder tell a youth to be in the right or will keep someone in check, if all this while, he’s not seen following the same rules?

For that matter, whether we are elders or not, we also need to be in the check, and to live by example.

Our ways of life should align with the socially accepted norms, so that the youth will understand by watching us. Then they will understand with pure evidence, that our way of life aligns so well with our daily verbal counsels towards them. As understood, actions speak louder than words, every time.

(This saying will never change).

In this way, there will be a lot of good or proper qualities they’ll emulate from all elders and seniors in the society, whom they consider as role models in order to understand what they were being taught by everyone in society.

Surely, this includes leaders at the national and international levels, who formulate these rules for mankind to follow.

In essence, everyone here is a leader, and everyone’s leadership style is a reading book being read by many around or far away.

Now, with those few codes of conducts which we said should be a summary of the whole law or constitution, just like the 10 commandments, it’ll be easier for everyone to remember, which enables everyone to put himself in check, as well as being put in check all men, through love. Just because ignorance to the law is not an excuse, these limited codes of conducts which are the summary of the core virtues of the law, will help society, in a great deal.

Therefore, we must live within the universally acceptable borders, even by the borders of nature’s reasonable laws, if we intend to make our lives speak a beautiful statement without a doubt, in anyone’s mind. Let’s keep the rule within the parameters, that works for every soul. Hence, if world leaders want to be able to know the differences between right and wrong any day, they should focus on the Law of Balance, which keeps every action from going too extreme, because every action beyond the normal parameters, is bad, by this rule.

This should help us to not destroy the world.

Thank you.

Lots of love.

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Prince Akogo
Prince Akogo
Prince Kafui, is a prophet, who God started revealing this insightful information to since He was called into ministry in the year 2006. We’re Glad You Came.


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