Dealing With World Sweeping Plagues: God On Covid-19 & Deadly Flus
Lots of love and good news from above:
The Covid pandemic has not just put lives in the various hospitals across the world, nor led many lives into the graves, but has equally brought devastating downturns into the economies of nations. This means, a quick solution is needed today.
Now, the Lord has brought us Word which is a form of Good News (His prescribed solutions), to show us how the problem could be dealt with.
Now, this came to me around the first 3 months the virus was lurking or starting around China and yet to cross over into other nations of the world.
Being disturbed about the height of damages this virus was bringing to all the nations of the world, I went on my knees and asked the Lord:
‘‘Father, what is the solution to this problem?’’
After about 2 hours of this simple prayer I prayed, I was in my room, when the Lord sent one of His Angels down into my room.
While in my room that day, one afternoon, I had an open vision, in which a female Angel was descending from the skies, from the realms of Heaven. Now, upon arrival she spoke and told me.
‘‘I have been sent by God to bring you the answer (solution), to the menace.’’ Immediately, I was overjoyed when I heard her speech: I knew this could help!
She went on with her prescription: ‘‘The Solution is to blend both Ginger and Garlic together, with a little water and make a Ginger-Garlic solution or drink out of the blend. Just pour the solution into a glass of water and take sip by sip along the day.’’ She added and said, ‘‘Prince, this is all you need.’’
Later, she gave me word and told me that, if I want, I could add a little honey and a little lime to it, since lime, was already being prescribed by then. Yet, a Ginger-Garlic mixture, was the actual solution to deal with the virus; not just that, but the fastest way to cure this Coronavirus.
After that day, I had a couple of friends and loved ones who later contracted the diseases when it had landed into our country: I went ahead to tell them of the encounter and what God’s Heavenly angel had said to me. They had believed in my words because they knew I was called to be a prophet, and most often than not my prophecies had come to pass in their lives.
Beloved, I can say this to the glory of God, that this is the fastest remedy I’d ever heard about for this virus. Now, upon all the 12, to about 15 people who were around me-and some, relatives of those who had contracted the diseases, including a doctor, became healed in less Than 24 hours after administering the angel’s prescription.
 The Antidote For The Covid-19 Crisis
Now, what else can we all do than to give Glory to the Lord who sent the angel.
He is a prayer answering God and always on time. The Lord God had done it. (Later, the female Angel gave remedies for other chronic diseases like AIDS, Cancer, for all manner of Fevers, High Blood Pressures, for Menstrual Problems and others.
To God be the Glory.
Coronavirus (together with its successive variants), has a cure, and there’s no need to be afraid of it today!
This means, if will take the instructions of God carefully, the men of the earth can go about their normal duties without any fear or panic of the deadly virus.
(Now, lastly, the Lord later shared with me some of the ways to resolve the corresponding economic problems posed by this Coronavirus, to further solidify the solutions being brought to our worlds.
Now, you can find some of them here.
God Bless You.
Thank you.
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