Why God Hates World Wars: Part Two (The Spiritual Perspective)
According to the lord, 98% of the time, war is considered by Him or Heaven as a sin. This is because one single-handed event which can lead many to hell is war. This suggests that soldiers, who find themselves in this position are in trouble of losing their eternal salvation. However, not only them, but their leaders who lead or command them into such heinous activities.
We had seen that, the nation Israel which hailed from the loins of Jacob, had been fighting ‘‘physical’’ battles from day one and even some were by God’s commands.
However, when it comes to the new Israel (who are referred to as the Church, basically Christians), the order was changed-they were told by the Lord not to fight against human beings or to fight against any one considered as flesh and in blood.
Jesus, made us understand that, humans were not their enemies.
According to the Lord, their enemies were the devils, who were from a more spiritual world working against this whole system, called the World!
In addition to that, God made them understand that whenever it comes to their fellow man, there should be a more show of love and of the maintenance of peace, than of wars. This is to help all men develop toward each other in a lovely and peaceful manner and in the end will further help to develop and build the world.
That means, they all would have to come together as one formidable bond or force to fight against this spiritual enemy called Satan or the Devil, who is the arch-orchestrator of all human troubles, including the destruction of peace.
That means that, human disagreements against themselves, conflicts or wars per this rule, is incited by the Devil, so that this Arch-enemy, who fully hates the world so much will continue to reign in our human world or affairs.
Hence, per the scale of balance, and as far as God is concerned, there should be a more show of love & peace towards all men we live with, in our human world, than for us to face each other or one another with wars for whatever reason there may be, lest our Arch-Enemy reigns.
Now, this means or suggest that, God, spiritually speaking, is not in favour of any two nations of men fighting against each other for whatever purpose they may give or it may be.
In short, this is why the weapon (which is the most powerful of all weapons), that was given to us was or is the Gospel of Peace.
Now, in view of this, this is why the best ‘tool’ God gave to us help us in reconciling with our human enemies, was the tool called The Gospel of Peace, by which we see that we are all together as One, even from different tribes, nations, races, coming or stemming from one Adamic rib, and it also shows us that we all men together with God, have one enemy called the Devil.
In short, if the Gospel of Peace had made any fellow human being a target, then none of us wouldn’t have been saved.
God who was first our Father, would have been our enemy, due to our sinful natures. Therefore, God gave us a powerful weapon (in fact, the Most Powerful Weapon), called the Gospel of Peace, which fights against us to fight or war with a human enemy. Every time, it had raised ‘‘Love,’’ as the highest command.
Indeed, the Gospel of Peace, is more powerful than any human soldier with a gun, than nuclear weapons, unlimited tanks, fighting air-crafts, rifles, chemical weapons, javelin missiles, but it is so sober that we are not supposed to use it against men that God is saving, with the salvation Gospel. You think these physical ammunitions are powerful? Wait until you try a man who is able to command fire from heaven against any number of soldiers attacking you. This ammunition is so powerful that, we do need to construct it with billions of dollars and by use of any low or advanced technology, but it is a power placed on the tongue of any man raised or closer to God.
On this note, we were really told:
Though our weapons are not carnal (but spiritual in nature), they are mighty through God (which is by prayer) to the pulling down of strong holds of any type!
We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do.
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
1 Cor 10:3-5 NLT;NIV
However, even though this Gospel of Truth or Peace, has powers to be placed on the tongue of a child, a power destructive than any power at all, it is surprising that it preaches more towards peace, but do not incite war.
No, who can fight against the Lord’s cosmic military powers?
Those powers are beyond metals.
So, even though God is more powerful, He doesn’t use His weapons nor will allow those whom He has given it to, to use it. Interestingly, He rather goes ahead to campaign for peace, preaching it to the corners of the world. It is a Gospel of Peace and Human or Global Reconciliation through Christ the Lord.
His main aim is not to use these eternal cosmic (military) powers against men, nor men to use them against themselves, but like I said, to use them against the devil, who is everyone’s main Arch-Enemy, the enemy who feeds upon our disintegration.
However, as for this spiritual entity, God would let us use this power against Him and His cohorts.
What then?
As you look at it, you will see that, it is not in God’s interest to promote weapons or wars. (He is not in favour of them).
This means that, this world, even from the ages, is being seriously deceived, which comes through their desire to increase soldiers and proliferate or to advance their deadly weapons, to scare or put fear or terrorize the timid world.
However, in the presence of fear, there is no love. (Love, is the absence of fear and it is the bond or the perfection of peace).
What is the essence or meaning of all this, when we harden our hearts to use our human resources, money and use all these weapons against ourselves, instead of consciously promoting a world of peace? We desire to selfishly fight each other until bones, breath and blood draws out. With this understanding, it is the Devil who actually wins. This is because it is the Devil who funds their wicked intentions, just because He knows eventually, He will benefit or win from it.
Yet, have we fully asked ourselves that, where do all these leaving souls of men, women and children go, after these wars take them out from among us, when they should use these weapons to kill themselves?
As far as God is concerned breaking the peace-pipe and committing murder, are both sins; so, it is definitely, Hell. So, when they fight in the war, they end up breaching His concept of love for peace and so He does not open up Heaven onto them-which is a place that hosts mostly peaceful people, a people having the same character of their Father in the skies.
In short, this is why God is saying that, war, and for that matter murder, is one particular event that leads a lot of people of the world into Hell, including those recruited to fight in it and their leaders who push them into them for their selfish gains. They are so wicked against their fellow men, who are built in the similitude of God.
The Heavens are for peacemakers who follow the Gospel of Truth, yet, Hell is for those who destroy people’s lives.
According to the lord, the best weapon is sound knowledge, which is understood as sound wisdom, giving peace.
Christ, has done it for us, giving peace to us (the world), in such a way that we have all not seen it. The Gospel has not been a threat against the world. It has been a threat against the devils who cause fights in the world.
Christ, “God’s Wisdom and Gospel,” therefore, is the “world’s” medium of Peace, fighting the Devils intentions of war.
In view of this, because God wants to maintain peace, when two nations or groups of persons or individuals are fighting, God’s original purpose/plan is to maintain “peace,” if possible, penetrate it (the tension; the war, the conflict), with the Peace of the Gospel, to cause all factions to lay down their arms.
But what happens when those two nations or factions refuses to blow the peace-pipe, but to fight?
If they really and really want to fight, according to the Lord, He will surely allow them to fight, through that is not His purpose. However, He would make sure both factions will come up with some very expensive losses.
He will make sure they both lose resources, losing people and very expensive resources. At this moment, He is not going to make sure one person wins it all.
Now, what will be the point of fighting at that very moment, should both parties or factions, be made to lose something, dearly?
It would all wouldn’t make sense.
As far as God is polarized to peace, He wouldn’t back any one.
This is because, if one person wins, he or she will think he or she is favoured the more, by God.
Yes, they may think God is fighting on their side.
In the event, and according to the Lord, even if one particular nation may be considered as a Christian nation, does not the same God want to save sinners or the unbelievers with the same Gospel of Christ or His Peace, to fully depopulate this dangerous place of Hell?
So, the point is; what is the point of even winning physical battles, for the Christian? Do we not remember, that God does not delight in the death of a sinner? As far He is concerned, are not sinners important to Him, as much as the righteous ones? He said He had come for sinners, of which we were all the chief of them. Will not God nor His kingdom incur great losses to the Devil (even to the enemy), should both Christians and all the unbelieving nations perish in the battles?
Left with God alone, there must be peace on both sides. Apostle Paul had coughed and said, that we are supposed to be at peace with all men, and if possible, we should change some of them, as we were also ignorant, and once as them, fighting just as them and with each other, but were later, out of God’s Mercies and Grace, changed with the same the Peace-Pipe Gospel or Heaven’s Gospel of Global Reconciliation.
In short, one would realize that, there isn’t any fruit in fighting. There isn’t any fruit in fighting either righteous nor even the sinner, as far as God the Lord, is concerned.
So then, there is no peace in war; not even in the Ukrainian war, for no matter what, there are human beautiful souls which could have been a second chance, and fully saved through His lovely Gospel of Peace.
This is what God is saying to them, and will always stand by this truth-we were not supposed to see a human being as our target or as our enemy. Neither are we supposed to create, build, nor lift weapons of any sort against any human being, for whatsoever reasons it may be.
There may be disagreements between us; but they are not our original enemies, and in fact, as far as the Master is concerned, He does not consider them as your enemies.
Every great house, shall have problems or issues, but that doesn’t change the fact that they have the same skin colour.
In the end, when both Christians and or sinners fight, both will lose something. What then? In the end, the Devil, who exists, will benefit from all the great losses through the destructions; for we have been warned that, His purpose here is to steal, kill and to destroy the time and resources God had given to mankind.
(Why should God be happy in such an event?)
In short, the Devil is the one telling the nations to build the weapons and stand by wars, whereas God is calling or petitioning everyone out there to hold the Bible to preach the Gospel of Peace, through which love remains, through which we reconcile ourselves back to Him and to each other.
Those Satanic forces are out there promoting tanks, fighting jets, nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, but He is promoting peace and reconciliation through the Gospel of Truth. He is, as far as His nature is also of concern, promoting ‘‘love’’ globally.
This Is What Is Termed As, ‘‘God’s Universal Concept Of Love.’’
God knows that, were there is genuine love, there will be genuine peace whatsoever. In short, where there is love, there is no war.
Fear and insecurity, is what creates wars; fear, is what creates weapons. ‘‘Freedom is not in wars, as freedom is not found in insecurity; neither is freedom found in weapons.’’
We can’t be safe, just because we use weapons.
‘‘This should be a global understanding,’’ per what the Lord told me.
Let us remember-and He says that-if there should be a (third) world war, He is not going to take sides, since taking sides will still bring Him most of those losses, seeing He had so loved the world and had saved it with His Life.
He will permit them to fight amongst themselves till they finish up their flesh or will finish themselves up, just so that, none will see the benefit of the war he thought he will relentlessly, fight! Everybody will incur losses, so that nobody becomes proud by winning over his brother, or over his friend.
Well, that is the best, He could do.
Yet, through this special Gospel of Peace, He will continue to remind us of who our Original Enemy was and is, of whom the carnal weapons of inter-ballistic missiles nor any kind of human or scientifically created weapon has no chance of overcoming, not in this world nor in worlds we are expecting to come.
We must know that, our peace and our ‘‘oneness’’ or our ‘togetherness,’’ per the insight and deep foresights of God, are what evidently disturbs satanic forces, anytime we have them. This is why it was told us that Satan, is behind, moving the world (men) into war. Wars of any nature, are not in the Lord’s interests, It is in Satan’s interest, who according to the Bible, is deceiving men, to get into it. He is the real Enemy!
Now, read what is below:
…Satan shall be loosed out of His prison,
And shall go out to DECEIVE the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth…to gather them together to battle (or wars): the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
Rev. 7:7-8
The scripture is saying that, the nations may not in their humane volition, love to be in this war; yet, Satan will get out there to deceive them to give this thing called wars a place in their hearts.
We are talking about the earth’s arch enemy we who setting the men of this world up, possibly, beginning this with unstable people of the world and with their leaders in command.
Well, notice that, Satan went ahead to deceive them.
This act of deception means that, He is probably making them do things against their wish, painting it like, they are the ones taking the sword against themselves.
Satan has a style or a way of deceiving men to do His job, and they might not have crossed their minds; because, He will bring all of them into some sort of tangible, clear or special reasons through His heinous acts of deception, so that they should lay a sword against their brother’s throat.
Secondly, we must also come into the realization that, the scriptures indicated that, He is deceiving all the nations together through lies or through His heinous acts of deception. Now, the fact that it stated that He is deceiving all the nations of the world (plural), meaning that He is not in any way, looking for a small conflict or just a civil war.
He Is Looking For A World War.
Oh My God; He is setting the world against itself. He is planning for global massacre or agenda. He is thinking of a world war!
(And when the world-war comes, who will gain, after we have all been fooled or lied to and have all become susceptible to His acts of global or international deception, just as we have been told?)
This Is Exactly What God Is Opening Our ‘‘Global Eyes,’’ To See, And Therefore, Will Through The ‘‘Gospel of Peace’’ Bring Love And Brotherliness To The World, Against The Devil’s Global or His Inter-Continental Plans.
And (the Devil; the Arch-enemy) shall go out to DECEIVE the nation(s) which ARE IN THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH…to gather them TOGETHER to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea (Expectation of a World War).
Rev. 7:7-8
Satan is happy to smile at the losses, whiles we lose.
Let me tell you- all small or world wars of the past were equally from the root of His misleading.
Therefore, understand what God is saying about wars here-if Satan is the One deceiving all the nations of the world into a battle, then it suggests that those leaders and their soldiers who had all falsely killed or harmed, for whatever so-called ‘‘special military exercises,’’ of any kind they have had, of which they were compelled or forced to carry, cannot ever justify the losses that have been created; for this is because, through that act of deception, they have been unfortunately puppetted by the Arch Enemy, to carry out these outrages or terrible crimes, against their brothers, of the same or of other races. Can there not be a better system or approach to resolve all these misunderstandings, so that all these cherished resources of value, will all remain, since there is already lack? Therefore, losses (of any kind) cannot be expected, around these economic hard times?
After we kill or hurt our enemies, what are the benefits?
I speak to the world at large.
The whole world has lost, for the ripple social and economic effects. Exactly what we said-Satan is happy, and the world has lost, tremendously! Yes-today, the upsurge of fuel prices, had affected us all (the globe).
Did we ever thought that Satan will move His efforts into doing all of this, of setting humanities, against ourselves, and we wouldn’t all today, suffer? Is not what God is saying to us?
What? Did we also ever thought Satan will set the world against itself and He and His forces, would not ever benefit from it-as God, had been advising us?
Let us understand from today, that Guns, Soldiers or Wars, are acts of DECEPIONS-they don’t make ‘‘peace,’’ and we must not harbour any of these flimsy ideas in our minds that they make us or bring us to any were near the world development. (They don’t carry symbols of world Peace). They are tools for self-destructions.
Do we realize what the world will turn into if we convert every soldier into a missionary preacher of ‘‘peace,’’ and each dollar count used for building, purchasing and creating any of these ‘huge’ weapons, into papers of the Bible, which preaches the Gospel of Global Peace & Reconciliation? We will ‘‘churn’’ more peaceful results here or there, than we can ever think possible.
This soothing message deals with the heart; it is ready to create peace, through a global-brotherly love system, lowering the angry hearts of men to be humble, and fostering mutual acceptance. That is what the world needs to preach.
Peace and Love, are all the best weapons of War, and that is what the Bible was here to instil into humanity and to promote, through the Gospel it had come to all of us with.
Well, what had we all thought the Word of God was in for?
For Peace, indeed.
So, it will be better we make more Bibles that will eventually instil peace than for us to make and invest into weapons of war, like bullets, air-crafts and guns. There is no Combat, Military or Security Intelligence better off than the God’s Gospel of Peace, which instils or brings out reconciliation and so much love. Indeed, this sure Gospel of Peace has the tendency to alleviate social anxiety or all forms of societal states depression, which promotes what Satan wants-wars!
This is what God has been trying to say to us, stating that this is His vision through the Gospel of Peace, and would love to see all men come to benefit from its fruits.
People from many nations will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of Jacob’s God. There he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths.” For the LORD’s teaching will go out from Zion; his word will go out from Jerusalem
The LORD will mediate (to create peace) between nations and will settle International disputes. They will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks (make no do with their weapons). Nation will no longer fight against nation, nor train for war anymore.
Isaiah 2:3-4 NLT
God’s position is to take over; and for us to lay down our sophisticated arms. And when He takes over, He will take over with the Gospel of Peace, blowing the ‘‘peace-pipes’’ together with an understanding world.
Sure enough; He wouldn’t think of being on anybody’s side
And His reasons are clear.
In short, stop all the conflicts, or the war(s), (any type of them) if you really know what is in God’s heart for you.
So, today, the world should know now and understand who their real enemy really is. Rather, they should treat every human fly with kindness, no matter what it will cost.
Today, we must ‘‘stop the Russian and the Ukrainian war; for all are losing, losing precious lives to universe’s Arch-Enemy.’’
Understand that, the Peace of the Gospel will take you to Heaven but the wars and the proliferations of weapons which is against the true knowledge of peace is going to lead the majority to Hell. Let us do the needful from today, showing brotherly kindness to one another, so that we shame the Arch-Enemy hiding who is hiding the doors.
(Now, in one of these days, I will show you (the world), how this Arch-Enemy (the Devil), by face, looks like on my website, www.LoveHallnews.com and on My Youtube Channel, The LoveHall Youtube Channel; this is a mandate from God, just so that, the moving world, will never take the Devil for granted again and so that, we will know by ‘‘face,’’ who is inciting all these demonic world issues or wars-as well, as expose to you the faces of first His topmost generals (the Masterminded Spirits) whom I saw, in my 10 year encounter-visitations or tours to Hell. (Beloved, there is by no way falsehood to what I am about sharing with you.)
Initially, I was prevented by God, and interestingly, by forces, until the appointed time. God our Father has finally given permission and I must do His bid. Yes, He has permitted because the time is right and due to the rate of troubles happening to us in world.
Beloved, I’m talking about the faces, our fastest missiles do not have any effect against.
Be very quick to subscribe to my Youtube Channel, the LoveHall Youtube Channel and also on my dedicated website, the LoveHallnews.com, turning on the notification button.
(Take Note: this is not a click-bait operation; I am serious about what I am saying. There’s no interest in that.)
Nevertheless, if you really want more from what I do, I have already preceded in explaining and sharing some of Great Mysteries, Secrets and Encounters exposed to me already, on my dedicated website, the www.LoveHallnews.com. Go there, to learn about or to discover the secrets of life, if you don’t mind.
What you see there, are all for free.
Thank you and may God of Years and of Days, strengthen your arms, in these trying times.
My God says, ‘‘Say No To Wars: Say No All The Time, To The Devils!!!’’
Lots of Love.
Thank You.
Prince Akogo.
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