Unity & Peace Promotion: Leaders of This World Must Speak Well To Their People
As one of the ways to solve the world’s current problems which I’m sure it’s based on some of the things the Lord God had observed, the Lord had said to me that, most of our country leaders should be careful of how they speak to their own people.
According to Him, many of them take this for granted most of the time the moment they seize power, and they begin to speak so improperly to their fellow countrymen and women, as though they do not feel their pain or aren’t concerned about all their headaches. He said that this can go a long way to affect the development of their nations, and their relationships with their people.
He’d emphasized that currently, due to economic pressure and a lot of hardships in the system, if they don’t control their mouths and to always ensure that every word the comes out of their mouths are not seasoned with salt, they could set their whole nation ablaze if they’re not careful.
As warned, The Tongue Is A Powerful Tool, though seems small.
Though several parts of the economies may be or may not be doing well, most people are depressed-and the last thing they would like to hear are un-soothing words coming from their leader.
It may create more frustration, depression and anger. This should be a time to fully encourage and build hope and encouragement, in the midst of all the difficulties. Yes, their minds may survive on that, until they wait for things to change.
However, should the wrong words be sent across, this could lead the whole economy into danger. This always means, we the civilians, should also be careful not to provoke the elders on the land.
In short, history should teach us all a lesson. In short, this may be just a small caution, but it’s a very important one.
God bless you all.
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