Solving Global Insecurity Issues: Why God Hates Wars
According to the Lord, the reason why He hates conflicts and wars across the world, are already obvious to us.
The generation(s) that live after every war, suffers.
This actually stems from the fact that, they result in the following;
–Lands/Terrain Destruction
-Water Pollution, Enabling Our Water Bodies To Become Unwholesome For Our Use: Equally, Aquatic Life Are Completely Destroyed, In The Very Process.
-Forests And Tree Life Are Completely Destroyed.
-Serious Air Pollution(s): The Destruction Of Our Proper Healthy Systems; For Example; Various Forms Of Cancers Arising From Air And Water Bodies Being Polluted From Harmful Radioactive Chemicals.
-Precious Human Lives, Being The Primary Resources Meant For Economic Development, Are Completely Destroyed.
–Several Commercial Infrastructures And Settlements Are Also Destroyed
In Short, This Reveals That Our Human Survival Or Existence During Or Post Every War Or Conflict Becomes Unbearable: In general, the Ecosystem which supports our human life and existence, are completely wipe out.
Now, this suggest that, The Real Cost Of Our Wars, are not really the Billions or Trillions of dollars of armaments, used by each party, in eliminating one another, or ourselves.
It is the Utter Destruction Off All The Elements That Make Our System A Survival Place For Us To Live, From The Length And Breadth Of Our Landscape.
So then, it makes no sense, that Any Political Figure or Military Leader, who refuses peace or peaceful settlement, should himself assume that he or she, will live a Problem-Free-World right after achieving his purpose of eliminating a few people he considers his enemies
In fact, from the above understanding, he has created more problems by destroying the priceless ecosystem than solving it; He and his soldiers will soon suffer the hard consequences or die from the problems they created for the world they cohabit. Simply put, the quality of life changes for both the rich and the poor, after every war.
He or she, is simply delusional.
The world controlling his survival-hood or Existence will be damaged; We’ll see the extinction of quality life: The cost of wars are totally expensive than armaments, in a every way or sense, with expense still heaping up in to the future.
They had affected the future Of The World, in a more negative way, than in a much positive way, due to the entire destruction of the ecosystem which was supposed to support his livelihood of all generations. Why won’t mere men who want to live better, consider peace? This means that, the world was not made for hatred. It was made for love.
This also means that, the world, was not made for enmity, but was made for peace, regardless of our differences. Differences only existed for us all, to connect us one, not to divide us.
But some ‘simple’ men don’t understand, this wisdom. Wouldn’t it better for us to beat our weapons into ploughs and into pruning hooks for farming, instead of using them to cut down ourselves, since they’ll be of use to our important and cherished future?
The Lord of the creations, does not Like Wars, because Of What They Do To Us. Wars of Any Kind does not solve the Problem, they rather expand the problems we’re facing as humans: Let Us Shake Our Hands By Becoming The Pioneers Of Peace. (Let Us Stop The Wars.)
Let’s Rather Build Life Together; And Let’s Rather Shake The Hands
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