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Saturday, March 22, 2025

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Handling The Sanitation Problems In Our World Today

Handling The Sanitation Problems In Our World Today

According to the Lord, the importance for proper sanitation in every country cannot be overemphasized.

How can we live, eat to live long, but decide to shorten our lifespan, through widespread diseases, such as communicable diseases, which are primarily caused by improper sanitation measures, both in and around our countries?

There’s no sense in trying to sleep well and to work hard to make ends meet, when all that hard-working culture will result into nothing for reasons of poor sanitation measures?

Therefore, to take proper sanitation measures seriously, is equally important as working hard to make money. Through improper sanitation measures, we might not live to even enjoy the money. Yes, because the only way we can enjoy all those acquired resources for a long time, is only when we do not fall sick.

We all do know that sicknesses and diseases, has claimed the lives of both the rich and poor ones of our societies. They claimed the lives of the men and women who were raised over time, to develop our various countries.

These human resources the various countries were raising to improve their livelihood and various primary economies, left earlier than they were supposed to live, from one sickness or the other.

Therefore, we as a nation, cannot underestimate the importance of continuously keeping our surroundings well tidied up and free of gems or diseases: hence, we all, each country, needs to put up proper sanitation measures to eradicate many of those, if not all of those communicable diseases, which do attack the human resource, due to the neglect of proper sanitation measures across board.

Now, this first measure is to announce that everyone (in our various homes, communities or offices), need to help control or manage the gross sanitation issues spanning across board, by taking the initiative of providing bins around their homes, neighbourhoods and offices, to curb the pending problem. Yes, we do understand very well that, most companies, homes or individuals have done this, but actually, more needs to be done. The provision of these bins, should be a joint initiative between the people and the governments, since they are all part of the stake holders-and they’re all affected, both directly or indirectly.

We must take these measures seriously, day by day.

On the other hand, there is also a concern; there are countries in the globe that it is surprising to note, that these bins that are provided by the local communities and the governmental bodies, are often damaged or stolen by citizens of the country, who neglect the importance of those bins.

To solve that problem, the Lord had insisted that strong moulded concrete or made bins should be adopted to replace the metallic and plastic ones, in and around our homes, communities and countries at large, due to the fact that plastic and metallic waste bins have been constantly susceptible to much community theft and destructions.

However, those durable moulded concrete bins firmly fitted on the ground, are less or almost not susceptible to the same problems. In other words, they will rather help in improving these sanitation problems, in our beaches, the coastal regions, homes, communities and the entire country at large, for a very long time.

Should we have enough of these moulded concrete bins in every nook and corner, with much awareness being made, these sanitation problems can be curtailed.

In the end, most parts of the communities will be clean; however, most importantly, both in the long and short runs, our lives will be equally preserved.



Prince Akogo
Prince Akogo
Prince Kafui, is a prophet, who God started revealing this insightful information to since He was called into ministry in the year 2006. We’re Glad You Came.


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