Contact Us

Lots of love:

So-How We Started:

We started when Prophet Prince received a visitation from God who told him to start a solutions and answer-based only website called ‘‘Farm,’’ where God speaks through Him to the world. The Goal here is intended to help humanity from all walks of life, including government and institutions, so that they can succeed in their Current, Past & Future issues and challenges.

You’re not alone; you have someone who will help overcome life’s issues through a divine perspective, so you will not struggle anymore and so you can succeed immediately. Today, what the world needs is right here.

Meanwhile, apart from this Website or Online Farm, the Movement has some ground systems as well as programs for multitudes in this very direction.

There is trouble in the world, and someone needs to do something.

The best of all the Lord’s points are yet to come.

Why not make this Website your perfect retreat field? So then, subscribe into the basket for more!


The Love Hall Movement’s Current Operating Answer-Based Sites:




Office Location: West Lands, Accra

WhatsApp/Call: +233 55 43 43 851